From the Broome Street Temple Website
ヒンドゥー教の聖典プラーナ(宇宙の創造・破壊・再生、神々の誕生や行い、聖者・王等にまつわる神話)のなかに、“Abhisheka priya Siva-神の御神体を洗う儀式はシヴァ神への敬意を表す-″との記載があります。偉大なるヨギーであるシヴァ神は、タパスと呼ばれる苦行として、自身の内側ですさまじい炎-計り知れない威力、熱力、無限の可能性を持つとされる炎-を燃え上がらせています。
ここで使われる液状のものはまた、重要な意味を持っており、私たちが日々の生活で行っていること-歩く、夢を見る、深い眠りのなかにあるといった-異なる意識を象徴しています。これら3つの行いを経て“Turiya"と呼ばれる物質世界を超越した精神生活が存在します。それは、変化・変質・外部から作用を受けるものではなく、完全に主体的なものであり、純粋な意識の証とされています。ミルクをかき回せばヨーグルトになり、ヨーグルトからバターができ、バターからギーを作ることができます。最初に行われる3つの儀式が、この流れに値します。初期のウパニシャッドの1つとされる“Chandogya Upanishad(チャンドギャ・ウパニシャッド)”では、ハチミツはその流動性や甘美な輝きから、あらゆる生命自身に例えられています。それゆえ、儀式ではハチミツや砂糖など様々な甘美なものが捧げられ、これは異なるレベルの意識・気づきの意味を示しています。
translation by Minako Fukunaga
From the Broome Street Temple Website
… In the Puranas (ancient Hindu books of stories regarding the creation of the Universe, of Gods, Sages and Kings etc) there is a saying: “Abhisheka priya Siva” – ritual bathing is dear to Siva. Siva, as the great Yogi, churns within himself tremendous fire, called tapas, which has immense power, heat, and infinite potential. It is through this fire that He creates and destroys the universe. Siva’s intense inner fire is an infinite reservoir of creative energy that anyone can ‘tap’ into through personal tapas for healing, regeneration and spiritual growth. His destructive nature refers to the removal of the veils of ignorance that cloud our perception. When the veils of ignorance are burned away by the fire of knowledge, we can enter into the non-dual reality of sat-chid-ananda, pure truth, consciousness and bliss. Siva’s destruction is one that brings transcendent peace.
During Sivaratri, the devotee bathes Siva in order to cool His burning heat – for if He is too hot, he is difficult for us to approach, like approaching a huge roaring fire. Ritual worship, called puja, in its most pure manner, is done to please the Lord. Siva has an intense inner fire, so bathing Him with cooling substances such as milk, yogurt, ghee, honey, sugar and fruit juices is said to be pleasing to Him.
The substances also have inner significance, and represent the different states of consciousness which we experience daily: waking, dreaming, deep sleep. There is also a plane of existence beyond these three, called Turiya, which is transcendent, and is not a state as it has no change, transformation, or object – it is purely subjective, pure witness consciousness. Milk, if churned, turns to yogurt; from yogurt we can make butter, and then ghee. These are the first three states. In the Chandogya Upanishad, honey is compared to the Self of all beings, due to its liquid, golden sweetness, so all of the sweet things offered, such as honey, sugar and the like, signify the different levels of Self awareness. ...
ヒンドゥー教の聖典プラーナ(宇宙の創造・破壊・再生、神々の誕生や行い、聖者・王等にまつわる神話)のなかに、“Abhisheka priya Siva-神の御神体を洗う儀式はシヴァ神への敬意を表す-″との記載があります。偉大なるヨギーであるシヴァ神は、タパスと呼ばれる苦行として、自身の内側ですさまじい炎-計り知れない威力、熱力、無限の可能性を持つとされる炎-を燃え上がらせています。
ここで使われる液状のものはまた、重要な意味を持っており、私たちが日々の生活で行っていること-歩く、夢を見る、深い眠りのなかにあるといった-異なる意識を象徴しています。これら3つの行いを経て“Turiya"と呼ばれる物質世界を超越した精神生活が存在します。それは、変化・変質・外部から作用を受けるものではなく、完全に主体的なものであり、純粋な意識の証とされています。ミルクをかき回せばヨーグルトになり、ヨーグルトからバターができ、バターからギーを作ることができます。最初に行われる3つの儀式が、この流れに値します。初期のウパニシャッドの1つとされる“Chandogya Upanishad(チャンドギャ・ウパニシャッド)”では、ハチミツはその流動性や甘美な輝きから、あらゆる生命自身に例えられています。それゆえ、儀式ではハチミツや砂糖など様々な甘美なものが捧げられ、これは異なるレベルの意識・気づきの意味を示しています。
translation by Minako Fukunaga
From the Broome Street Temple Website
… In the Puranas (ancient Hindu books of stories regarding the creation of the Universe, of Gods, Sages and Kings etc) there is a saying: “Abhisheka priya Siva” – ritual bathing is dear to Siva. Siva, as the great Yogi, churns within himself tremendous fire, called tapas, which has immense power, heat, and infinite potential. It is through this fire that He creates and destroys the universe. Siva’s intense inner fire is an infinite reservoir of creative energy that anyone can ‘tap’ into through personal tapas for healing, regeneration and spiritual growth. His destructive nature refers to the removal of the veils of ignorance that cloud our perception. When the veils of ignorance are burned away by the fire of knowledge, we can enter into the non-dual reality of sat-chid-ananda, pure truth, consciousness and bliss. Siva’s destruction is one that brings transcendent peace.
During Sivaratri, the devotee bathes Siva in order to cool His burning heat – for if He is too hot, he is difficult for us to approach, like approaching a huge roaring fire. Ritual worship, called puja, in its most pure manner, is done to please the Lord. Siva has an intense inner fire, so bathing Him with cooling substances such as milk, yogurt, ghee, honey, sugar and fruit juices is said to be pleasing to Him.
The substances also have inner significance, and represent the different states of consciousness which we experience daily: waking, dreaming, deep sleep. There is also a plane of existence beyond these three, called Turiya, which is transcendent, and is not a state as it has no change, transformation, or object – it is purely subjective, pure witness consciousness. Milk, if churned, turns to yogurt; from yogurt we can make butter, and then ghee. These are the first three states. In the Chandogya Upanishad, honey is compared to the Self of all beings, due to its liquid, golden sweetness, so all of the sweet things offered, such as honey, sugar and the like, signify the different levels of Self awareness. ...
Photo by Robert Moses
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